Welcome to the Signature International representation application page. Please ensure you provide clear snapshots so that we can assess your application fairly. Avoid any accessories such as hats, scarfs, dummies, etc. Good luck.

Signature International are a well respected and recognised boutique agency providing a diverse range of models and actors. We represent babies, children and adults, for photographic, commercial, Theatre, TV and film industry. Signature welcomes all Talent regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, personal identity and sexual orientation. We are also disability inclusive. We are happy to announce that our books are now open to a diverse range of new looks and talents. Our representation policy is strictly ‘sole-agency’ only.

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- Help with application pictures can be found here.
- Successful applicants over 4+ years old will be invited to a face to face assessment workshop . Full guidance will be provided.
- Your application will be at an advantage if your child is 4 years and over and is already registered or willing to be registered with Spotlight, as this is the industry standard.
- We want to efficiently represent all the models and actors on our books. To achieve this, we need to be selective on who we accept and at the same time, keep our numbers low. It is imperative, that we get to know all the models, actors and parents, on a 1 to 1 basis as this will enable us to offer a more personal approach and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

Due to the usual high numbers of applications, we can only inform those applicants of 4+ years, that are shortlisted for a face to face workshop assessment. If on this occasion, you are not contacted by one of our team, please feel free to re-apply when our books re-open. Our selection process takes into account who we currently represent on our books. We want everyone to have the best chance of success, so we endeavour to maintain a unique set of individual looks and attributes in each age category. After your initial application, we will do our best to contact all shortlisted applicants within a period of 10 days after the closing date.
For children who are 3 years old and under, we will assess their suitability by the information you provide during the application process. As children at this age are constantly changing, we do not need to personally meet them. We would advise that parents thoroughly read the FAQ’s on our website so that they are sure their child is suitable for the industry